Hotels in North Korea have more than 1 million guestrooms. They are the best option for stays that last for a long time. However the hotels do not all offer all the amenities and services. Some hotels offer top-quality and exceptional service, while other

Hotels in North Korea have more than 1 million guestrooms. They are the best option for stays that last for a long time. However the hotels do not all offer all the amenities and services. Some hotels offer top-quality and exceptional service, while other

The Inn Subyeo is located within the Banqeong-Ryeong National Park. It is the tallest hotel north Korean and has rooms with ceilings over six hundred meters. Particularly, the majority of hotels have free internet access, a gym and access to a restaurant, health center, conference center, shops, and an exchange for currency. A 10 % service fee and VAT of 10 percent are typically included in hotel's rate.

아산오피  ranked the tallest hotels in Korea, listing them in alphabetical order. The Dong Euicheon was the tallest hotel. It is located in Baekdudae, Cholamisin and Suwon-do. A pool-side room costs about twenty-two thousand won per week. If you have a large swimming pool, the Statistician estimates that this rate could go up to thirty eight thousand won per week.

One of the largest hotels in north Korean government is the Wonbuk-in. It is situated in Baekdudae, Cholsan and Suwon-do. A room with a pool costs around 24000 won per week. Hotel rates are inclusive of an additional 10% service fee and a 10% VAT.

The second-highest hotel in north korea , and the fourth largest in south korea are the Hansan Hotel. It is situated in Wonju-do and is approximately forty-five meters in height. It is a four-star hotel with more than a hundred rooms. The staff can speak Korean as well as Chinese. The hotel is equipped with a large swimming pool as well as an outdoor pool. There's a restaurant which serves North Korean dishes along with many other foreign foods.

Ryok-in is the third highest hotel in north Korea and the fourth highest in South Korea. It is located in Suwon-do and is around seventy three meters high. The hotel is not really huge, but it is equipped with all the amenities you'd expect from a five star hotel. There is a pool as well as an internet access. The hotel is part of Min-Seoul's family of hotels.

The fourth and final spot on the list are Wonju-do Hotel, Hakon Hotel, Oh Seong-san Hotel, and the Baekdudae Hotel. The three-star hotels listed are located outside of tourist areas in north Korea. In fact all of them except the Oh Seong-san is located outside of the tourist areas. The locations like Hansan, Ryok-in, and Hansan provide some great activities, such as bungee-jumping sky diving, bungee jumping and other adventure sports.

After you've been to these four cities there are many alternatives for where to stay. You can stay in a nice four star hotel in any of the cities listed or choose an affordable hotel. Busan is easy to access since it is located right next to Seoul and Busan has an extremely beautiful park. After visiting these four places it's easy to think that you are spoiled. Take a look and see what it's like living in North Korea.

After you've checked into your hotel, make sure you spend the entire day dining in one of the numerous restaurants in Busan which serve international cuisines. You can sample the fusion cuisine of north Korea and if you're interested in trying the south korean food, you can ask for the special dishes. You can enjoy a variety of delicious dishes and a taste of diverse cultures in these restaurants.

After you've had an enjoyable meal and are looking to have a relaxing time in your hotel room. There are two alternatives. You can either rent a hotel room or just stay at home. If you do decide to stay in a hotel, make sure to look at rates at several hotels within a short distance. You'll want to find a hotel that is clean and provides excellent customer service.

After you've finished your research Find a hotel within the area. Book your room and then just relax and enjoy the beautiful South Korea. To get an idea of the events happening in the area, make sure to look through the magazines when you have arrived at your hotel. Look up local festivals to see what's happening. You may need to travel a bit further to attend most festivals.